Sunday, August 8, 2010

More Than We Bargained For

we are going on day 4 at icu.  Wyatt had his adenoids out on friday.  we knew it would be a longer recovery and hospital stay than doctors predicted.  but not in the icu.  and not THIS long!
overall - he is doing ok.  it's just always about the breathing.  as they tell me, the ABC's of the icu start with airway and that is Wyatt's most complicated issue, lately and always.
after getting adenoids out, all kids have swelling.  since Wyatt's airway is a little "floppy" the swelling has taken his usual issues to a whole new level.
today, he ripped out the IV (that was in his NECK) and then screamed until the attendings took out the nasal trumpet that has been in to help expand his airway.  chaos ensued, after 17 sticks they finally placed a new iv (in his SHOULDER). and reinserted the wretched tube int his nose.
he has been extremely fussy and so that isn't helping matters either.
so anyway, we have been getting by, nurses and docs are pretty great here and we have an army of folks that have been coming to spell us for a bit of time.
so that's the little cowboy update.  send us good vibes in hopes of getting the heck OUT OF HERE!


  1. Count us in for good vibes, best wishes, high hopes and plenty of crossed fingers and toes. I hope Y starts feeling better soon and that you can get home for the rest of his recovery. I'll talk to you later, but just wanted to let you know I'm thinking about you. :)

  2. i really hope you are all home soon leah, poor little wyatt, heres to a very (pch style) speedy recovery, sending loads of love to you, ben and little wyatt especially xxx anne

  3. sorry to hear this recovery is harder than expected. sending you lots of good vibes and love. hoping you all get to go home soon. take care, mama, daddy, and especially little wyatt. :)

  4. I pray that he is doing better.

    Wondering about the adenoids...we were just told the Brayden has obstructive sleep apnea and need to see an ENT. Is that why Wyatt had his adenoids removed?
